Swami Prabhavananda: 2 Lectures Blessed Are the Pure in Heart/Be Still and Know That I Am God

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Swami Prabhavananda: Two Lectures

Blessed Are the Pure in Heart
& Be Still and Know That I Am God

GT2005-DVD $19.95 + Shipping (& Taxes in California)

Swami Prabhavananda begins Blessed Are the Pure in Heart by stating, "In this Beatitude, Christ gives the central truth of all religions."

In substance, the two talks are related in that they both derive from biblical quotes, yet their themes are developed from a Vedantic point of view.

Screen Capture from 
Blessed Are the Pure in Heart
Swami Prabhavananda had great reverence for the Sermon on the Mount and chose this particular Beatitude as his subject for this special film. In 1975, sound films required professional equipment. This talk was not a live lecture. Rather it was staged to be professionally filmed. It is the best quality sound movie of Swami Prabhavananda known to us.
Screen Capture from 
Be Still and Know That I Am God
On the other hand, Be Still and Know That I Am God (Psalm 46:10) is the film of a Sunday lecture. It is a more in-depth treatment of the theme, a "how-to" delivered to a live audience. Interestingly, the concept of purity, a central theme in Blessed Are the Pure in Heart, is also addressed in Be Still, but the perspective is different.


Swami Prabhavananda was the founding head of the Vedanta Society of Southern California until his passing in 1976. His books on Indian philosophy and religion continue to inspire readers worldwide. 

We recommend as a companion to this DVD the book Sermon on the Mount According to Vedanta and the audio of the classes upon which the book is based available from Vedanta Press,

© 2009 mondayMEDIA
Original Recording © 1975 Vedanta Society of Southern California

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