A Panel of six nins from 3 vedanta Convents discuss practical Vedanta


Vedanta: A Blueprint for Everyday Life
A Panel of 6 Vedanta Nuns from 3 Convents

GT2007-DVD $14.95 + $3.00 Domestic Shipping (Sales Tax in California)

Running Time 4 Hours 39 Minutes

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Vedanta: A Blueprint for Everyday Life

In an unprecedented event, six nuns from three Vedanta Society convents joined to discuss "Vedanta: A Blueprint for Everyday Life." The retreat built around this discussion was a resounding success, and now this DVD makes it possible for you to become part of the larger audience. 
The panel was built around four discussion points: dealing with negativity, rethinking our identity, spiritual practice and not falling prey to self-deception. All six nuns addressed these issues from various angles with intelligence, wisdom and humor. Each nun also discussed what made them take up spiritual life, and each nun also took questions from the audience at the end of the retreat. The DVD begins with a guided meditation.



From a Viewer Review Posted on Amazon bLuiz Antonio S. Monteiro 

May 30, 2013

Vedanta: A Blueprint for Everyday Life
It will be difficult to find another DVD made anywhere by anyone that can top this one for "practical spirituality in action". We are born/live in such a confused, mostly materialistic society. It is so refreshing and inspiring to hear and feel "peers" share their experience and provide a navigation map to enhance and deify our lives. 

Yours in the Lord, Luiz Antonio

Detailed Program

Guided Meditation: Led by Pravrajika Deviprana
Introductions and MC: Pravrajika Krishnaprana
Session 1: Getting to Know the Nuns
1. Why did you take up spiritual life? All six speakers
Session 2: Dealing with Negativity
1. Difficult people: Is it them or us? Saradeshaprana
2. How can we recognize the telltale signs of negative thoughts? Anantaprana
3. What are some tips for dealing with fear and anger? Vidyaprana
4. What are some tips for dealing with worry and anxiety? Vedaprana
5. How do we cope when bad things happen beyond our control? Vrajaprana
6. When are desires beneficial and when do they wreak havoc in our lives? Bhavaprana
Session 3: Who Are We? Re-thinking Our Identity
1. What is Brahman? Bhavaprana
2. What is Atman? Vrajaprana
3. What are the kosas? Vedaprana
4. How does karma keep us on the wheel of birth and death? Saradeshaprana
5. Maya: why don't we know that we are divine? Vidyaprana
6. How can we incorporate these concepts in our daily life? Anantaprana
Session 4: Practice, Practice, Practice
1. How do we focus the mind? Bhavaprana
2. How do we live in the present moment? Vidyaprana
3. How do we develop love for God? Saradeshaprana
4. Why is a routine necessary and how do we create one? Vrajaprana
5. How do we keep enthusiasm in spiritual life? Vedaprana
6. What practice have you found most helpful? Anantaprana
Session 5: Not Falling Prey to Self-deception in Spiritual Life
1. How do we determine if our actions are prompted by our ego or higher mind? Anantaprana
2. Are we really meditating? Vidyaprana
3. Can you measure your own progress? Saradeshaprana
4. What is a spiritual experience? Bhavaprana
5. What are the effects of spiritual experiences and how does one deal with them? Vrajaprana
6. Is there a value in comparing our spiritual experiences with those of others? Vedaprana
Questions and Answers: All six speakers

Running time: 4 hours 39 minutes.