Arc of Life DVD
Roots of Fundamentalism: Huston Smith & Phil Cousineau in
Conversation - DVD
THE ROOTS OF FUNDAMENTALISM DVD: The occasion for the interview was a
Phil Cousineau (writer and host of LinkTV’s Global
Spirit) article, Why Fundamentalism Matters, for Parabola
Magazine. The interview begins with Christian Fundamentalism, a topic Smith came to, in his own words, “loaded for bear,” having just written the book
The Soul of Christianity: Restoring the Great Tradition. However, the topic develops into fundamentalism as it manifests itself in religion in general. Smith’s seminal NET series
The Religions of Man, which formed the basis for the book of the same name (now
The World’s Religions), blazed the trail for the now commonplace spirit of pluralism. With increasing strength, he comfortably navigates the currents of comparative religion. For the last fifteen years Phil Cousineau has collaborated with Smith on a series of documentary films, books, and lectures. Cousineau is presently working with Smith on his memoirs.
of Tibet CD
MUSIC OF TIBET CD: HUSTON SMITH’s historic 1967 recording, MUSIC OF TIBET, The Gyuto Multiphonic Choir CD The first recording of its kind. The style of chanting heard on this recording was introduced into Tibet from India (where the art had long been lost) by Marpa in the eleventh century. In 1474, Gyuto was founded (along with Gyume) as one of the two Tibetan monasteries that were dedicated to using this mode of chanting for the ritualistic transmission of the most ancient, sacred, and esoteric teachings of the Buddha. The extraordinary vocal abilities this chanting requires first came to the West’s attention in 1968 through Huston Smith’s The Music of Tibet (Anthology Records), and it is from the masters for that disc that this CD was recorded.
& Understanding
CD and Who
Are We? CD, Lectures by Aldous Huxley

Huston Smith met Aldous Huxley very early in his career. Huxley served as a mentor for Smith, who is still very fond of the generous, charismatic, and gentle man he’s often described. In the mid-1950s, Aldous Huxley delivered these two lectures at the Hollywood Vedanta Temple. The lectures, as well as the Q&A session which followed Who Are We, were recorded and preserved by the Vedanta Archives and are offered as separate CD recordings (in conjunction with Vedanta Press) with the Q&A session divided between the two. Who Are We? cover drawing of Aldous Huxley courtesy of Don Bachardy.
Zen Life - D.T. Suzuki DVD
a 77-minute documentary by Michael Goldberg about Daisetz
Teitaro Suzuki (1870-1966), credited with introducing Zen
Buddhism to the West. He was also instrumental in introducing
Huston Smith to Zen. The DVD contains an additional 10-minutes
from a hitherto unknown interview of Daisetz Suzuki by Huston
Smith. There is also a printed "Supplementary Text"
inserted in the case, with quotes from Dr. Suzuki’s talks in
English never before published. (More)
Religions: Volume 1 MANY PATHS
Elda Hartley invites you to
travel the globe and view through her camera lens the
endlessly varied and vibrant pastiche of religious rituals
practiced throughout the world. During the 1970s and 80s, this
award-winning filmmaker created documentaries on a number of
the world’s great religions that will open your eyes to the
extraordinary differences and the striking similarities among
individuals of different faiths.
PAINE worked with
Huston Smith on the writing of his memoir, Tales of Wonder:
Adventures Chasing the Divine and is currently working on
the soon-to-be-released Huston Smith Reader. Two of his
earlier works, Re-enchantment
(a Publisher’s Weekly Book of the Year) and Father
demonstrate the philosophical breadth, and writing skill, as
well as the hard won insights of a practitioner, that made Paine
the perfect choice for the assignment.
Huxley - A Biography
SAWYER is currently
working on the authorized biography of Huston Smith. Sawyer’s
last book, a biography of Aldous Huxley, is one of the few
Huxley biographies that take Huxley’s spiritual quest
seriously. We find the book an indispensible contribution to
the full appreciation of Huxley and his legacy.
RAMAKRISHNA by Swami Tyagananda & Pravrajika
Vrajaprana, foreword by Huston Smith deals with the
distortions that can, and do, take place when Eastern
philosophy is evaluated through the prism of Western
culture. Read
Huston Smith’s foreword online.
Interpreting Ramakrishna is a substantial and conscientious work of scholarly and religious reflection, the best resource we have for understanding Sri Ramakrishna today. Instigated by recent debates about Ramakrishna’s identity and significance, the book fruitfully invites us to step back and take a much longer perspective, noticing a century’s worth of Ramakrishna scholarship by devotees, monastic writers, and academic scholars. But the book also looks forward to how we — with all our varied interests and perspectives — can most fruitfully reflect on Ramakrishna in the 21st century. We can only thank Swami Tyagananda and Pravrajika Vrajaprana for showing us how to remember, think clearly, and write constructively about Ramakrishna, with an honesty that is critical, unpresuming, and in fact deeply spiritual.
—Francis X. Clooney, S.J.
Parkman Professor of Divinity, Harvard Divinity School
Titles from GemsTone : The
Roots of Fundamentalism: Huston Smith & Phil Cousineau in
Conversation DVD, Music
of Tibet The Gyuto Multiphonic Choir CD, Aldous Huxley: Knowledge
& Understanding CD, Aldous Huxley: Who
Are We? CD, A
Zen Life - D.T. Suzuki DVD, Books Signed by the Author:
Jeffery Paine: Re-enchantment,
Jeffery Paine: Father
India, Dana Sawyer: Aldous
Huxley - A Biography, Interpreting Ramakrishna